Getting an ambiguous identity error. I can search successfully to return the group that a user account is a member of, but when I try to search for the groups that a computer account is a member of there is the ambiguous identity error. I tried to use a -type or -identity switch, but either I did not have the syntax correct or it was just not applicable.
Where my targeted computer account is called SNA00760856, I have been working on using...
Get-QADGroup -Containsindirectmember SNA00760856
Any massaging that I can do to the command to get the groups that the computer SNA00760856 is a member of? Dropping in a user account in place of the computer account works like a charm.
I have also tried to qualify the computer name with the domain info.
Ie or mydivision\SNA00760856
Also tried to collect the membership of the computer using which I know is wrong after a closer reading of the switch info....
Get-QADobject -IndirectMemberOf SNA00760856
Results in ambiguous identity as well.