I'm fairly new to Fortran and I am having trouble with my file names, I have a bunch of data in simuln#.res (where 1<#<20), I have multiple different directories with all the same simuln#.res names but they had different input parameters. The code looks like this:
character(len=11) :: theFileA
character(len=12) :: theFileB
character(len=:), allocatable :: fileplace
write(*,*) "the directory with the data sets, use quotations"
read(*,*) fileplace
fileLoop : do j=1,20
if (j .lt. 10) then
write(theFileA, '("simuln", I1,".res")' ) j
open(newunit= iin,file = fileplace//theFileA,status='old')
write(theFileB, '("simuln",I2,".res")') j
open(newunit= iin,file = fileplace//theFileB,status='old')
end if
does some stuff with the file
end do fileLoop
The code compiles with a gfortran compiler on my mac, but when I put in my path to the directory with the files, it gives the error simuln1.res does not exist
(which it absolutely does, triple checked). I have tried changing the edit descriptor (and making real(j)), but I still get the same thing.
Can anyone help me?