Angular ui-router : Container view and Default vie

2019-08-10 19:55发布


I am struggling to create a container for next states, defined the states as views, divided into header, CONTAINER, footer.

The next state as an example would be the blogs, but I do not see a way of getting it into the view.

One idea was to start the HOME view as standard, but also failed.



    <header ui-view="header"></header>
    <content ui-view="home"></content>
    <footer ui-view="footer"></footer>



        data: {
            pageTitle: 'Home'
        views: {
            '': {
                templateUrl: 'content/index.html',
            'header@home': {
                templateUrl: 'content/templates/header.html',
                controller: 'HeaderController',
                cache: false
            'home@home': {
                templateUrl: 'content/templates/home.html',
                controller: 'IndexController',
                cache: false
            'footer@home': {
                templateUrl: 'content/templates/footer.html',
                //controller: 'FooterController',
                cache: false

        url         : '/blog',
        templateUrl : 'content/templates/blog.html',
        controller  : 'BlogController',
        data: { pageTitle: 'Blog' },
        access: {requiredLogin: false}


Plunker Example:


In the updated question above, you've used this plunker to show how you made it working:

    abstract: true,
    views: {
        '': {
            templateUrl: 'index.html'    // this
        'header@home': {
            templateUrl: 'header.html'

        'footer@home': {
            templateUrl: 'footer.html'
    url         : '/',
    templateUrl : 'home.html'
    url         : '/blog',
    templateUrl : 'blog.html',

While that solution is working, it is in fact not a way you/we should go. Because the parent state 'home', injects into unnamed view itslef - templateUrl: 'index.html'

So, now there are again views header and footer, but they do differ from the root (original index.htm). Their absolute name would be 'header@home' and 'footer@home' (as used int the code snippet) - and all seems to be working.

But that is redundant. Unless we will move the layout into some 'layout' state and 'layout.html'

  • Angular UI Router - Nested States with multiple layouts
  • Nested states or views for layout with leftbar in ui-router?

Why redundant? Because index.html already is in play (as a root) and it contains these targets. their absolute name is 'header@' and 'footer@'. And that should be the way to go.

To make it clear, there is an updated plunker and its snippets:

    abstract: true,
    views: { 
        '': {
            template: '<div ui-view=""></div>'
        'header': {
            templateUrl: 'header.html'

        'footer': {
            templateUrl: 'footer.html'
    url         : '/',
    templateUrl : 'home.html'
    url         : '/blog',
    templateUrl : 'blog.html',

Check the update here