I'd like to provide relevant links to specific Apple's WWDC session videos in Stack Overflow questions & answers. How can I obtain a URL to link directly to a specific WWDC video? Ideally it would open a page with the session description and begin playing.
The Videos
Use the following link format (tested for 2014 & 2013):
For example: https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2013/?id=228
An archive of session transcripts exists at http://asciiwwdc.com. Their format is:
For example: http://asciiwwdc.com/2014/sessions/302
They are thin on the ground as yet, but big ones are there (keynotes). It's worth throwing in a placeholder in hope of more content arriving.
Linking Pleasure
If you use a lot of links, and who doesn't love the jolly scamps, take a look at SO's own guide to markdown linking. You can do some cool stuff you might not know about.