In my from I have several inputs with validation, I need for the ng-invalid
class to only be applied once the user has submitted the form.
On submit I can set a value on the scope as such...
$scope.submitForm = function () {
$scope.submited = true;
// other bits
... but I cant figure out how to conditionally display ng-invalid
without changing the validation itself.
I am running angular 1.1.5
<input type="email" name="email" ng-model="" required />
<span ng-show="($dirty || submitted) &&$error.required">
Email is required
Use $dirty flag to show the error only after user interacted with the input:
<div ng-app>
<div ng-controller="testController">
<form name="formValidate">
<input type="text" name="testing" required ng-model="testField" ng-class="{ invalid: submitted && formValidate.testing.$invalid }"/>
<button ng-click="test()">Test</button>
var app = angular.module('', []);
function testController($scope)
$scope.submitted = false;
$scope.test= function()
$scope.submitted = true;
border:1px solid red;
For custom errors I suggest to use the $setValidity method within each field.
$scope.formName.fieldName.$setValidity('custom_error_name', true);
so you will have more control over the css part too, because this kind of workflow will create also a custom class inside your field like "ng-custom_error_name" so you can deal with that.