I am able to get dropdown in a cell using the code below
Interop.Range validationAddressRange = ws.Worksheet.get_Range(startAddress, endAddress);
validationAddressRange.Cells.Validation.Add(Type: Interop.XlDVType.xlValidateList,
AlertStyle: Interop.XlDVAlertStyle.xlValidAlertStop, Formula1: formula);
validationAddressRange.Cells.Validation.IgnoreBlank = true;
validationAddressRange.Cells.Validation.InCellDropdown = true;
validationAddressRange.Cells.Validation.ErrorMessage = "Invalid entry. Click 'Retry' to update the cell value, or 'Cancel' to undo the change made to the cell.";
validationAddressRange.Cells.Validation.ErrorTitle = "Invalid Data Error";
validationAddressRange.Cells.Validation.ShowError = true;
ws.Worksheet.Cells[1,1].Select(); //selects the top-leftmost cell since excel doesn't furnish a de-select option.
Does anyone know how to tie in events and have autocomplete feature just like a regular windows form combobox?