For the current project at work, we are creating quite a few custom controls that all share the same properties and that are bindable.
@bindable required: boolean = false;
@bindable minLength: number = 0;
@bindable maxLength: number = 0;
Since we'd like to avoid code duplication, the idea is to keep these bindable properties in a separate class, called 'Validation' in this case.
import {Validation} from "./validation";
export class MyClass {
private validation: Validation = new Validation();
// also tried:
// @bindable validation: Validation = new Validation();
The question is how to get the HTML to bind to the properties in the Validation class. Doing this validation.required.bind="someProperty.required"
doesn't update the required
property on the validation instance. We attempted to use DI, but that didn't seem to cut it either.
import {inject} from "aurelia-framework";
import {Validation} from "./validation";
export class MyClass {
constructor(private validation: Validation) {
this.validation = validation;
Any hints would be greatly appreciated.
It seems that Aurelia interprets 'validation.required' as a command rather than an expression.
WARN [templating-binding] Unknown binding command. Object {defaultBindingMode: null, attrName: "validation", attrValue: "true", command: "required", expression: null}