noob here. I have tried to add a few attributes to my custom product (customproduct) but they end up on all products as well.
I would like to get a Group/Tab (Custom Settings) of attributes to show just under the General Tab on my Custom Product (customproduct) only. Someone who can guide me the right way?
My code looks like this: (mysql4-install-0.1.0.php)
$installer = $this;
$setup = new Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Setup('core_setup');
$setup->addAttribute('catalog_product', 'PartnerID', array(
'group' => 'Custom Settings',
'input' => 'text',
'type' => 'text',
'label' => 'Partner ID',
'backend' => '',
'visible' => 1,
'required' => 0,
'user_defined' => 1,
'searchable' => 0,
'filterable' => 0,
'comparable' => 0,
'visible_on_front' => 0,
'visible_in_advanced_search' => 0,
'is_html_allowed_on_front' => 0,
'global' => Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Attribute::SCOPE_GLOBAL,
'apply_to' => 'customproduct',