I have a plot and would like to add some regression statistics (e.g. F, R2, p) in the plot area. I am familiar with text()
, but have been unable to find a comprehensive source of information with examples on how to build text strings with mathematical symbols, sub-and superscripts, etc. Any sources with detailed examples greatly appreciated.
For example, I have a simple linear regression that I would like to extract the stats from and add them to my plot. For example
reg1 <- lm(WW1 ~ PC1, data = WW_Data)
I would like to have something like F1,69 = 14.38, p = < 0.001, R2adj = 0.16
where "1,69" and "adj" is subscript, and "p" is in italics.
Thanks to @Backlin
for a great answer to my question. I have expanded on it a bit so that if you get a highly significant p-value the code substitutes "< 0.001" and rounded all the statistics to 2 decimal places, except the p-value which I have rounded to 3.
WW_Data <- data.frame(WW1=rnorm(10), PC1=1:10)
reg1 <- lm(WW1~PC1, WW_Data)
sreg1 <- summary(reg1)
plot(0, 0)
text(0, .2, eval(substitute(
list(fv = round(sreg1$fstatistic[1],2), fn = sreg1$fstatistic[2],
fd = sreg1$fstatistic[3], pv = ifelse(sreg1$coefficients["PC1",4] < 0.001, "< 0.001",round(sreg1$coefficients["PC1",4],3)),
R2adj = round(sreg1$adj.r.squared,2)))))