Is this possible?? I seem to be getting this error when using wavread from scikits.audiolab:
x86_64.egg/scikits/audiolab/pysndfile/matapi.pyc in basic_reader(filename, last, first)
93 if not hdl.format.file_format == filetype:
94 raise ValueError, "%s is not a %s file (is %s)" \
---> 95 % (filename, filetype, hdl.format.file_format)
97 fs = hdl.samplerate
ValueError: si762.wav is not a wav file (is nist)
I'm guessing it can't read NIST wav files but is there another way to easily read them into a numpy array? If not, what is the best way to go about reading in the data?
Possibly rewriting the audiolab wavread to recognize the nist header??