I want to apply "Fields grouping" as well as "Local or shuffle grouping" to my topology such that each spout sends data to local bolts only but also uses a field in my document to decide what local-bolts it should go to.
So if there were two worker processes each with 1 Kafka-Spout and 2 elastic-search-bolts, local-or-shuffle grouping gives me the following:
Each KS ---> Two local ES-Bolts
fields-grouping gives me the following:
Each KS ---> Possibly all 4 ES-bolts, depending on the value of the field
But I want to have the following:
Each KS ---> Two local ES-bolts only, but distribution among these
local bolts should depend on the value of the field
KS = Kafka-Spout
ES = Elastic-Search
I want to do this so that I can group all the documents for a single shard together in ES-bolt. This way the batch sent by an ES-bolt will not be split further by the ES-server as all those document's destination shard will be the same (I plan to add field destination_shard to the documents for field-level grouping and destination_shard will be calculated as Murmurm3.hash(ID)%numShards).
And then I do not want any inter-process communication, hence the need for "local or shuffle grouping"
Thanks for the help !