I'm having difficulty hiding the output of clojure.tools.logging
a library is using. The library is logging an error
and this causes a stacktrace on stderr
but it's not an error-level message for me and I can't figure out a way to hide it. I use timbre
for my own application so I guess capturing the output and re-logging it as a warning or just a debug would be ideal, but for now I just need the stacktrace noise gone.
I've tried rebinding err to out and then nesting the body within a with-out-str
I've tried a log4j.properties
file on the CLASSPATH with the root logger's default level set to fatal
I've tried an hours worth of other miscellanea. The logging was introduced to the library here: https://github.com/apa512/clj-rethinkdb/commit/5587bdadaed663fcab3b7c616840dfffec84569a and I can't figure out how to capture it's logger and set it's level or why setting the root logger's level in my log4j.properties is not working.
Any suggestions before I simply do a java -jar app 2> /dev/null