I've been trying to build a fairly simple message box in tkinter that has "YES" and "NO" buttons. When I push the "YES" button internally it must go and write YES to a file. Similarly, when "NO" is pushed, NO must be written to a file. How can I do this?
You can use the module tkMessageBox for Python 2.7 or the corresponding version for Python 3 called tkinter.messagebox
It looks like askquestion()
is exactly the function that you want. It will even return the string "yes"
or "no"
for you.
Here's how you can ask a question using a message box in Python 2.7. You need specifically the module tkMessageBox
from Tkinter import *
import tkMessageBox
root = Tk().withdraw() # hiding the main window
var = tkMessageBox.askyesno("Title", "Your question goes here?")
filename = "log.txt"
f = open(filename, "w")
print str(var) + " has been written to the file " + filename
You can assign the return value of the askquestion
function to a variable, and then you simply write the variable to a file:
from tkinter import messagebox
variable = messagebox.askquestion('title','question')
with open('myfile.extension', 'w') as file: # option 'a' to append
file.write(variable + '\n')