How to create video and audio files for the Media

2019-08-10 08:32发布


I have created a video player from the Media Source Extension API. I have split the video and audio from the original.mp4 (1 minute duration). I have split the video and audio into small 5 second files (12 files in total). I'm getting each one of them and playing them together. But the video stops playing at around 45-47 seconds. I cannot understand to why the video is stopping/buffering. I cannot understand whether the problem is in the javascript code or the video files?

I have uploaded all the resources here ( And written the commands I used to construct my video and audio files below. I have also noticed that this problem only occurs with Google Chrome and works perfectly and smoothly on Microsoft Edge. Thanks

Making the Media files:

Extracting video from original.mp4: MP4Box -single 1 original.mp4

Extracting audio from original.mp4: MP4Box -single 2 original.mp4

Splitting the video and audio into 5 second parts: ffmpeg -ss starting-time -to end-time -i (video.mp4 OR audio.mp4) (video_part.mp4 OR audio_part.mp4)

Fragmenting all the video and audio parts: MP4Box -dash 1000 -rap -frag-rap(video_part.mp4 OR audio_part.mp4)

Then using the fragmented video and audio files to be played via the Media Source Extension API video player. e.g. (video_part_dashinit.mp4 OR audio_part_dashinit.mp4)