refresh listview when using hashmap

2019-08-10 07:55发布


I have a multiline listview , implemented using hashmaps . I get my data from a database .

I have another activity in which i am adding my items , which is being added to the database . Now when pressing the save button , the new added item should appear immediately in the listview which is implemented in a fragment . I can't figure out how to refresh the listview in this activity .

here's my fragment implementing the listview :

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {             
            myView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_layout, container, false);

            l = db.getAllEntries();

            list = (ListView) myView.findViewById(;
            mylist = new ArrayList<HashMap<String,String>>();

            HashMap<String,String> item;


                e = l.get(0);

              item = new HashMap<String,String>();

              item.put( "line1", e._totime + " - " + e._totime);
              item.put( "line2", e._subject);
              item.put( "line3", e._place);

              sa = new SimpleAdapter(getActivity(), mylist,
                        new String[] { "line1","line2", "line3" },
                        new int[] {,,}); 

return myView;

and here in this activity i am adding items to the database , which should immediately appear in my listview above :

public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
  switch (item.getItemId()) {

      sub = subject.getText().toString();
      teach = teacher.getText().toString();
      pla = place.getText().toString();
      da = day.getSelectedItem().toString();
      fro = fromtime.getText().toString();
      to = totime.getText().toString();

      i = new Entries(sub,teach,pla,da,fro,to);

      FragmentView1 f = (FragmentView1) this.getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(FragmentView1.class.getName());

      l = db.getAllEntries();
      HashMap<String,String> map;


        e = l.get(0);

        map = new HashMap<String,String>();

        map.put( "line1", e._fromtime + " - " + e._totime);
        map.put( "line2", e._subject);
        map.put( "line3", e._place);
        f.getArrayList().add(n++,map);    //nullpointerexception here

        /*Toast.makeText(this, "You have chosen the " + getResources().getString( + " menu option",
        return true;

        return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);



This is probably because findFragmentByTag() is not able to find the required fragment and so is returning null, resulting in NullPointerException when you try to access it. You can try a workaround by retrieving the tag for fragment and storing it in activity class variable for further access as follows:

In your activity class, declare a private String variable and getter/setter methods for it:

    public String fragmentView1Tag;

public String getfragmentView1Tag() {
    return fragmentView1Tag;

public void setfragmentView1Tag(String fragmentView1Tag) {
    this.fragmentView1Tag = fragmentView1Tag;

In FragmentView1 class, retrieve the tag of the fragment and set fragmentView1Tag variable:

    String tag = getTag();
    ((YourActivityName) getActivity()).setfragmentView1Tag(tag);

And now while retrieving the fragment in activity class, use the above getter method:

    FragmentView1 f = (FragmentView1) this.getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(getfragmentView1Tag);


Use a cursor to get all the rows from the database. Then use a cursor adapter to populate the list. After you add a new row to the database, just call notifyDataSetChanged(); on the cursor adapter.