Wordpress conditional shows “$0.00 text” instead o

2019-08-10 06:46发布


I have the following code to show a table of coming events in my page:

    <td>{not_free}#_EVENTPRICEMAX{/not_free} {fully_booked}Geen plaatsen beschikbaar{/fully_booked}</td>

This works fine for events that can still accept reservations. However when an event has been booked full, it shows "€0,00 Geen plaatsen beschikbaar" instead of "Geen plaatsen beschikbaar".

It looks like it just sets the price to a default value when the event is fully booked. Does anyone know what might be wrong?


You are showing the price on the condition not_free, and that has nothing to do with whether fully_booked is true or not.

If you want the price not to show when the event is fully booked, then you will have to nest the price display into an additional has_spaces condition (opposite of fully_booked).

Reference: http://wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/conditional-placeholders/