Sonarqube SonarLint Customisation

2019-08-10 06:17发布


I am interested in customising SonarLint on IntelliJ, I am guessing it's possible via the sonarlint.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
  <component name="SonarLintProjectSettings">
    <option name="additionalProperties">
        <entry key="squid:S1067.max" value="20" />
        <entry key="squid:S2975" value="True" />

Specifically I would like to disable some of the checks and increase the thresholds for others, the attached XML is my attempt at increasing the Cyclomatic Complexity for which I have failed so far to achieve, can someone point me at the relevant documentation or code for an example please

Thanks in advance



The version 1.0 doesn't support such level of configuration. This will come progressively in next releases.