I started to learn Solr and I am trying to write a WordCount-example with Solr and Spark. But I have problem, perhaps with the imports or with the dependencies. You can look at my code below..
My dependencies:
My Code:
object Solr extends SparkApp.RDDProcessor {
def getName: String = "query-solr-benchmark"
def getOptions: Array[Option] = {
.desc("URL encoded Solr query to send to Solr")
def run(conf: SparkConf, cli: CommandLine): Int = {
val zkHost = cli.getOptionValue("zkHost", "localhost:9983")
val collection = cli.getOptionValue("collection", "collection1")
val queryStr = cli.getOptionValue("query", "*:*")
val rows = cli.getOptionValue("rows", "1000").toInt
val splitsPerShard = cli.getOptionValue("splitsPerShard", "3").toInt
val splitField = cli.getOptionValue("splitField", "_version_")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val solrQuery: SolrQuery = new SolrQuery(queryStr)
val fields = cli.getOptionValue("fields", "")
if (!fields.isEmpty)
solrQuery.addSort(new SolrQuery.SortClause("id", "asc"))
val solrRDD: SolrRDD = new SolrRDD(zkHost, collection, sc)
var startMs: Long = System.currentTimeMillis
var count = solrRDD.query(solrQuery).splitField(splitField).splitsPerShard(splitsPerShard).count()
var tookMs: Long = System.currentTimeMillis - startMs
println(s"\nTook $tookMs ms read $count docs using queryShards with $splitsPerShard splits")
// IMPORTANT: reload the collection to flush caches
println(s"\nReloading collection $collection to flush caches!\n")
val cloudSolrClient = SolrSupport.getCachedCloudClient(zkHost)
val req = CollectionAdminRequest.reloadCollection(collection)
startMs = System.currentTimeMillis
count = solrRDD.query(solrQuery).count()
tookMs = System.currentTimeMillis - startMs
println(s"\nTook $tookMs ms read $count docs using queryShards")
My problem is that builder()
is red and I can't run my code. Does anyone know what I missed?
error: value builder is not a member of object org.apache.commons.cli.Option