i have question that when i want to compare between a1= 1.3 b1= 3 and a2= 1.3 b2= 2 on excel
for example =IF(a1>a2,"Yes",IF(a1=a2,IF(b1>b2,"Yes","No"),"no"))
first time it's okay but then i changed value from b1 =1 it changed to "no" then i changed it back to b1= 3 it's still "no"
i think it concern on format in the cell
another concern is if i use like 1.3.1 compare to it doesn't have any problem
but when i use only 1.3 (one decimal point) it alway have problem
it's hard to explain you should try to compare between x.x and x.x.x
also if you have a good another VBA code to compare version number
thank you please tell me i want to study about it
it like 1 decimal point excel see as number but many decimal point excel see as text
how do i fix this (i have try change to text format but it work 1 time after you change value in cell it's go back to error.)
Due to my english is poor. to make it clearer "How do i make x.x see as text so that i can compare with x.x.x :) "
Here is an article/ post you may want to check. The first impression I had on your question is that you may be trying to do a version number comparison. Length and number of dot delimiters in your text could matter greatly.for now please check this,
Or else you may try the log
as well:
Or do a replace on trailing .
dots and surely the second text becomes a decimal:
E.g. 1.3.4 will be 1.34 and will be 1.3413 will be 125.6 and will be 124.61
PS: not front of a machine. Will provide you with another code I have based on split by dot delimiter and compare.
Edit with a function: this will compare two version numbers with any number of dot points, treating it as a string/text. However in the case of 1.3.1 and 1.21.1 this takes 1.21.1 as the highest number.
Option Explicit
Function versionNumberComparison(ByRef rng1 As Range, ByRef rng2 As Range) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim arrVersion1 As Variant, arrVersion2 As Variant
Dim strVer1 As String, strVer2 As String
Dim bool2 As Boolean, bool1 As Boolean
Dim x As Long, y As Long
Application.EnableEvents = False
If Not IsEmpty(rng1.Value) Then
strVer1 = rng1.Value
arrVersion1 = Split(rng1.Value, ".")
versionNumberComparison = "Version number empty"
GoTo Zoo
End If
If Not IsEmpty(rng2.Value) Then
strVer2 = rng2.Value
arrVersion2 = Split(rng2.Value, ".")
versionNumberComparison = "Version number empty"
GoTo Zoo
End If
If UBound(arrVersion1) > UBound(arrVersion2) Then
x = UBound(arrVersion1)
y = UBound(arrVersion2)
ElseIf UBound(arrVersion1) < UBound(arrVersion2) Then
x = UBound(arrVersion2)
y = UBound(arrVersion1)
x = UBound(arrVersion1)
y = x
End If
i = 0
While i <= y
If IsNumeric(arrVersion1(i)) And IsNumeric(arrVersion2(i)) Then
If CInt(Trim(arrVersion1(i))) = CInt(Trim(arrVersion2(i))) Then
If i = y Then
If x <> y Then
If Len(strVer1) > Len(strVer2) Then
bool1 = True
bool2 = False
GoTo PrintOut
bool2 = True
bool1 = False
GoTo PrintOut
End If
End If
End If
bool1 = False
bool2 = False
ElseIf CInt(Trim(arrVersion1(i))) > CInt(Trim(arrVersion2(i))) Then
bool1 = True
bool2 = False
GoTo PrintOut
bool2 = True
bool1 = False
GoTo PrintOut
End If
versionNumberComparison = "Enter Valid version numbers"
GoTo Zoo
End If
i = i + 1
If bool1 Then
versionNumberComparison = strVer1
ElseIf bool2 Then
versionNumberComparison = strVer2
versionNumberComparison = "Both the same"
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Function