I have an InnoDB database with one table, book. In addition, I have a PHP script which contains one single query, to display the number of books in such book table:
As you know, with the mysqli extension, it is possible to create a transaction with mysqli_begin_transaction. Next, the isolation level can be defined.
In my case, I don't need transactions related functions, and I use mysqli_query, because it's only a single SELECT query. However, I know that even a single query is wrapped under a transaction with MySQL, and the default isolation level is REPEATABLE READ.
The problem is here: I don't want REPEATABLE READ overhead for just executing such single query. READ UNCOMMITTED is enough.
Question: is the mysqli_extension auto-detect that I'm using a single SELECT query (because I don't begin any transaction) and automatically set the isolation level to READ UNCOMMITTED (or at most READ COMMITED) or do I need to define a wrap class to always set READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level before executing such transaction-with-only-one-SELECT-query ?
Thank you very much.