I have a bot in NodeJS connected to Google Chat using HTTPs endpoints. I am using express to receive requests. I need to verify that all requests come from Google, and want to do this using the Bearer Token that Google Sends with requests.
My problem is that I am struggling to find a way to verify the tokens.
I have captured the token and tried a GET reuqes to https://oauth2.googleapis.com/tokeninfo?id_token=ey... (where ey... is the token start).
Which returns:
"error": "invalid_token",
"error_description": "Invalid Value"
I have tried what Google recommends:
var token = req.headers.authorization.split(/[ ]+/);
idToken: token[1],
audience: JSON.parse(process.env.valid_client_ids)
}).then((ticket) => {
gchatHandler.handleGChat(req.body, res);
And get the following error:
Error: No pem found for envelope: {"alg":"RS256","kid":"d...1","typ":"JWT"}
Any idea where I should head from here?
Edit: https://www.googleapis.com/service_accounts/v1/metadata/x509/chat@system.gserviceaccount.com found this, investigating how to use it. The kid matches the one I get.