Produce loops without cmp instruction in GCC

2019-01-15 08:21发布


I have a number of tight loops I'm trying to optimize with GCC and intrinsics. Consider for example the following function.

void triad(float *x, float *y, float *z, const int n) {
    float k = 3.14159f;
    int i;
    __m256 k4 = _mm256_set1_ps(k);
    for(i=0; i<n; i+=8) {
        _mm256_store_ps(&z[i], _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_load_ps(&x[i]), _mm256_mul_ps(k4, _mm256_load_ps(&y[i]))));

This produces a main loop like this

20: vmulps ymm0,ymm1,[rsi+rax*1]
25: vaddps ymm0,ymm0,[rdi+rax*1]
2a: vmovaps [rdx+rax*1],ymm0
2f: add    rax,0x20
33: cmp    rax,rcx
36: jne    20 

But the cmp instruction is unnecessary. Instead of having rax start at zero and finish at sizeof(float)*n we can set the base pointers (rsi, rdi, and rdx) to the end of the array and set rax to -sizeof(float)*n and then test for zero. I am able to do this with my own assembly code like this

.L2  vmulps          ymm1, ymm2, [rdi+rax]
     vaddps          ymm0, ymm1, [rsi+rax]
     vmovaps         [rdx+rax], ymm0
     add             rax, 32
     jne             .L2

but I can't manage to get GCC to do this. I have several tests now where this makes a significant difference. Until recently GCC and intrinsics have severed me well so I'm wondering if there is a compiler switch or a way to reorder/change my code so the cmp instruction is not produced with GCC.

I tried the following but it still produces cmp. All variations I have tried still produce cmp.

void triad2(float *x, float *y, float *z, const int n) {
    float k = 3.14159f;
    float *x2 = x+n;
    float *y2 = y+n;
    float *z2 = z+n;    
    int i;
    __m256 k4 = _mm256_set1_ps(k);
    for(i=-n; i<0; i+=8) {
        _mm256_store_ps(&z2[i], _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_load_ps(&x2[i]), _mm256_mul_ps(k4, _mm256_load_ps(&y2[i]))));

Edit: I'm interested in maximizing instruction level parallelism (ILP) for these functions for arrays which fit in the L1 cache (actually for n=2048). Although unrolling can be used to improve the bandwidth it can decrease the ILP (assuming the full bandwidth can be attained without unrolling).

Edit: Here is a table of results for a Core2 (pre Nehalem), a IvyBridge, and a Haswell system. Intrinsics is the results of using intrinsics, unroll1 is my assembly code not using cmp, and unroll16 is my assembly code unrolling 16 times. The percentages are the percentage of the peak performance (frequency*num_bytes_cycle where num_bytes_cycle is 24 for SSE, 48 for AVX and 96 for FMA).

                 SSE         AVX         FMA
intrinsic      71.3%       90.9%       53.6%      
unroll1        97.0%       96.1%       63.5%
unroll16       98.6%       90.4%       93.6%
ScottD         96.5%
32B code align             95.5%

For SSE I get almost as good a result without unrolling as with unroll but only if I don't use cmp. On AVX I get the best result without unrolling and without using cmp. It's interesting that on IB unrolling actually is worse. On Haswell I get by far the best result by unrolling. Which is why I asked this question. The source code to test this can be found in that question.


Based on ScottD's answer I now get almost 97% with intrinsics for my Core2 system (pre Nehalem 64-bit mode). I'm not sure why the cmp matters actually since it should take 2 clock cycles per iteration anyway. For Sandy Bridge it turns out the efficiency loss is due to code alignment not to the extra cmp. On Haswell only unrolling works anyway.


How about this. Compiler is gcc 4.9.0 mingw x64:

void triad(float *x, float *y, float *z, const int n) {
    float k = 3.14159f;
    intptr_t i;
    __m256 k4 = _mm256_set1_ps(k);

    for(i = -n; i < 0; i += 8) {
        _mm256_store_ps(&z[i+n], _mm256_add_ps(_mm256_load_ps(&x[i+n]), _mm256_mul_ps(k4, _mm256_load_ps(&y[i+n]))));

gcc -c -O3 -march=corei7 -mavx2 triad.c

0000000000000000 <triad>:
   0:   44 89 c8                mov    eax,r9d
   3:   f7 d8                   neg    eax
   5:   48 98                   cdqe
   7:   48 85 c0                test   rax,rax
   a:   79 31                   jns    3d <triad+0x3d>
   c:   c5 fc 28 0d 00 00 00 00 vmovaps ymm1,YMMWORD PTR [rip+0x0]
  14:   4d 63 c9                movsxd r9,r9d
  17:   49 c1 e1 02             shl    r9,0x2
  1b:   4c 01 ca                add    rdx,r9
  1e:   4c 01 c9                add    rcx,r9
  21:   4d 01 c8                add    r8,r9

  24:   c5 f4 59 04 82          vmulps ymm0,ymm1,YMMWORD PTR [rdx+rax*4]
  29:   c5 fc 58 04 81          vaddps ymm0,ymm0,YMMWORD PTR [rcx+rax*4]
  2e:   c4 c1 7c 29 04 80       vmovaps YMMWORD PTR [r8+rax*4],ymm0
  34:   48 83 c0 08             add    rax,0x8
  38:   78 ea                   js     24 <triad+0x24>

  3a:   c5 f8 77                vzeroupper
  3d:   c3                      ret

Like your hand written code, gcc is using 5 instructions for the loop. The gcc code uses scale=4 where yours uses scale=1. I was able to get gcc to use scale=1 with a 5 instruction loop, but the C code is awkward and 2 of the AVX instructions in the loop grow from 5 bytes to 6 bytes.


The instruction decoder on Intel Ivy Bridge or later can fuse the cmp and jne into a single operation in the pipeline (called macro-op fusion), so on these recent processors the cmp should disappear anyway.


Final code:

#define SF sizeof(float)
#ifndef NO                   //floats per vector, compile with -DNO = 1,2,4,8,...
#define NO 8                 //MUST be power of two

void triadfinaler(float const *restrict x, float const *restrict y,   \
                  float *restrict z, size_t n)
  float *restrict d = __builtin_assume_aligned(z, NO*SF);       //gcc builtin,
  float const *restrict m = __builtin_assume_aligned(y, NO*SF); //optional but produces
  float const *restrict a = __builtin_assume_aligned(x, NO*SF); //better code
  float const k = 3.14159f;
  while (n &= ~((size_t)(NO*SF)-1))    //this is why NO*SF must be power of two
      size_t nl = n/SF;
      for (size_t i = 0; i<NO; i++)
          d[nl-NO+i] = k * m[nl-NO+i] + a[nl-NO+i];
      n -= (NO*SF);

I prefer to let the compiler choose the instructions, rather than using intrinsics (not least because you used intel-intrinsics, which gcc doesn't really like). Anyway, the following code produces nice assembly for me on gcc 4.8:

void triad(float *restrict x, float *restrict y, float *restrict z, size_t n)
//I hope you weren't aliasing any function arguments... Oh, an it's void, not float
  float *restrict d = __builtin_assume_aligned(z, 32);  // Uh, make sure your arrays
  float *restrict m = __builtin_assume_aligned(y, 32);  // are aligned? Faster that way
  float *restrict a = __builtin_assume_aligned(x, 32);  //
  float const k = 3.14159f;
  while (n &= ~((size_t)0x7))       //black magic, causes gcc to omit code for non-multiples of 8 floats
      n -= 8;                       //You were always computing on 8 floats at a time, right?
      d[n+0] = k * m[n+0] + a[n+0]; //manual unrolling
      d[n+1] = k * m[n+1] + a[n+1];
      d[n+2] = k * m[n+2] + a[n+2];
      d[n+3] = k * m[n+3] + a[n+3];
      d[n+4] = k * m[n+4] + a[n+4];
      d[n+5] = k * m[n+5] + a[n+5];
      d[n+6] = k * m[n+6] + a[n+6];
      d[n+7] = k * m[n+7] + a[n+7];

This produces nice code for my corei7avx2, with -O3:

    andq    $-8, %rcx
    je  .L8
    vmovaps .LC0(%rip), %ymm1

    subq    $8, %rcx
    vmovaps (%rsi,%rcx,4), %ymm0
    vfmadd213ps (%rdi,%rcx,4), %ymm1, %ymm0
    vmovaps %ymm0, (%rdx,%rcx,4)
    andq    $-8, %rcx
    jne .L4
    rep ret

    .long   1078530000
    .long   1078530000
    .long   1078530000
    .long   1078530000
    .long   1078530000
    .long   1078530000
    .long   1078530000
    .long   1078530000

Edit: I was a bit disappointed with the compiler not optimizing this code down to the last instruction, so I messed around with it a bit more. Just changing the order of things in the loop got rid of the AND emitted by the compiler, which got me on the right track. I then only had to get it to not do unnecessary address calculation in the loop instead. Sigh.

void triadtwo(float *restrict x, float *restrict y, float *restrict z, size_t n)
  float *restrict d = __builtin_assume_aligned(z, 32);
  float *restrict m = __builtin_assume_aligned(y, 32);
  float *restrict a = __builtin_assume_aligned(x, 32);
  float const k = 3.14159f;
  while (n &= -32)
      d[(n>>2)-8] = k * m[(n>>2)-8] + a[(n>>2)-8];
      d[(n>>2)-7] = k * m[(n>>2)-7] + a[(n>>2)-7];
      d[(n>>2)-6] = k * m[(n>>2)-6] + a[(n>>2)-6];
      d[(n>>2)-5] = k * m[(n>>2)-5] + a[(n>>2)-5];
      d[(n>>2)-4] = k * m[(n>>2)-4] + a[(n>>2)-4];
      d[(n>>2)-3] = k * m[(n>>2)-3] + a[(n>>2)-3];
      d[(n>>2)-2] = k * m[(n>>2)-2] + a[(n>>2)-2];
      d[(n>>2)-1] = k * m[(n>>2)-1] + a[(n>>2)-1];
      n -= 32;

Ugly code? Yes. But the assembly:

    salq    $2, %rcx
    andq    $-32, %rcx
    je  .L54
    vmovaps .LC0(%rip), %ymm1

    vmovaps -32(%rsi,%rcx), %ymm0
    vfmadd213ps -32(%rdi,%rcx), %ymm1, %ymm0
    vmovaps %ymm0, -32(%rdx,%rcx)
    subq    $32, %rcx
    jne .L50
    rep ret
    .long   1078530000
    .long   1078530000
    .long   1078530000
    .long   1078530000
    .long   1078530000
    .long   1078530000
    .long   1078530000
    .long   1078530000

Mmmmhhh, glorious five instructions in the loop, macro-op fusable subtract-and-branch...