I have a project in which i must detect 3 specific colors in many leaves pictures: Green, Yellow and Brown.
I'm using the following image as an example:
The objective to detect the different colors is to determine if the tree is sick or not, so it's really important to be able to tell correctly what is green, yellow and brown, even in small amounts of pixels.
I wrote the following code:
//Load the image
Mat img_bgr = imread("c:\\testeimagem\\theeye\\greening32.jpg", 1);
if (img_bgr.empty()){
cout << "Nenhuma imagem foi carregada..." << endl;
return -1;
//Display the image
namedWindow("Original Image", WINDOW_NORMAL);
imshow("Original Image", img_bgr);
//Conversion to HSV
Mat img_hsv;
cvtColor(img_bgr, img_hsv, CV_BGR2HSV_FULL);
//Extracting colors - HSV
Mat cores_divididas, green, yellow, brown;
inRange(img_hsv, Scalar(28, 240, 240), Scalar(33, 255, 255), yellow);
imwrite("c:\\testeimagem\\theeye\\yellow.jpg", yellow);
inRange(img_hsv, Scalar(38, 100, 100), Scalar(70, 190, 190), green);
imwrite("c:\\testeimagem\\theeye\\green.jpg", green);
inRange(img_hsv, Scalar(10, 90, 90), Scalar(20, 175, 175), brown);
imwrite("c:\\testeimagem\\theeye\\brown.jpg", brown);
namedWindow("Yellow", WINDOW_NORMAL);
imshow("Yellow", yellow);
namedWindow("Green", WINDOW_NORMAL);
imshow("Green", green);
namedWindow("Brown", WINDOW_NORMAL);
imshow("Brown", brown);
return 0;
If you guys compile this code, you will notice that the green color is not properly detected and the other colors aren't detected at all.
As a guide for reference values, I used this trackbar.