Replace quotes inside quoted string with escaped q

2019-08-10 02:23发布


I am using Notepad++ to find (".*)"(.*) and replace it with \1\"\2 but it doesn't seem to work. I don't know why.

Someone said "My name is "sean""
I want it to be:
Someone said "My name is \"sean\""

Edit: In my case the closing quote is always on the end of line so will (".*)"(.*"$) work?

Edit2: Also the first quote is preceded with a comma so I will use (,".*)"(.*"$) though it may not work in some cases but I think it will work with my file.

Now there is the problem with the replace it doesn't add \" it just add some space.


It should work... you just need to do a little fixing...

The Find what regex should be ("[^"]*)("\w*)(")([^"]*")
The Replace with expression should be \1\\\2\\\3\4

Make sure you select the Search Mode to be "Regular expression"


This is quite tricky - I've assumed that the quoted text WITHIN quotes is just a single word. If you assume something else it becomes very hard to pin down.

You need to find a
" followed by
[^"]* - any number of characters that are NOT a " and then
("\w*)(") - a quoted word, and then finally ([^"]*") - any additional number of non-quote characters + a final quote

This is important because regular expression matching is greedy by default, and a .* would continue to match all characters, including " until the end of the string (see link )

In the replacement string you need to have \\ to represent a single \