I have a model
firstName: DS.attr( 'string'),
lastName: DS.attr( 'string'),
email: DS.attr( 'string' ),
and another model
name: DS.attr( 'string' ),
code: DS.attr( 'string' ),
startDate: DS.attr( 'date' ),
endDate: DS.attr( 'date' ),
users : DS.hasMany('person', {async: true}),
then i'm retrieving all the projects with as an array which contains ember objects.
since the project -> users is async its a promise. and i want to sort that array using the first name of the person. when the data is arrived accordingly and re render the hbs that is using the list
i have a computed property called
renderProjects = computed ('model.projects.[]')
// trying to sort in here but data is not avaiable so its not getting sorted
The solution is simply to use .@each
renderProjects: computed ('model.projects.@each.firstName', function() {
return this.users.sortBy('firstName');
this will recompute the renderProjects
CP whenever the list of projects change or any firstName
on any of the projects changes and then automagically update your view.
One important notice: You can not do .@each.foo.bar
This is what you did in your twiddle with model.@each.myUser.name
In your twiddle the easiest fix is to add a computed.alias
to the video
username: computed.alias('myUser.name'),
Then you can do this:
sortedVideos: computed('model.@each.username', function() {
return this.get('model').sortBy('username');
Here is a fixed twiddle.
I would implement an observer, which watches the project array. Inside of the observer I would resolve the users-relationship sort the project array subsequently.
Please check out following code snippet.
modelObserver: observer('model.[]', function() {
let userPromises = this.get('model').map(project => project.get('users'));
RSVP.all(userPromises).then(function() {
this.set('sortedProjects', this.get('model').sortBy('users.firstObject.name'));