I have read in several blogs that it is not advised (or not possible)to pack jars outside the WEB-INF folder. I am curious as to know why this is so..
For instatnce,
| |
| |-->lib (having many jars, used by the contents of specificStuff.jar
| |-->classes
| |-->web.xml
|-->META-INF (having the .MF file and signed files .SF and .DSA)
|-->index.jsp (consists of a jnlp xml, referring to the jars in lib)
|-->specificStuff.jar (this is a separate jar module, which is mentioned in the POM of the war)
In the jnlp configuration in index.jsp, i am referring to the jars in lib like:
<java version="1.6+"/>
<jar href="specificStuff.jar"/>
<jar href="lib/someJarthatIneed.jar"/>
Now, when i launch my JNLP, I get the error that someJarthatIneed failed to load. However, when i manually moved the lib outside WEB-INF, this error did not occur.
So, what I need to know is that, is there any way to pack the lib folder and all jars outside WEB-INF?? OR Why is it that my jnlp (which is outside WEB-INF) not able to load the jar from WEB-INF/lib. (I tried changing the path of jar as
<jar href="WEB-INF/lib/someJarthatIneed.jar"/>
but it did not work either..)
Any help on this will be apprciated. :)