I have bean:
public class EQueueBookingService {
public EQueueBookingClient eQueueBookingClient;
And I try to write some test for this bean EQueueBookingService using Spock. https://code.google.com/p/spock/wiki/SpockBasics
My mock is
class EQueueBookingServiceTest extends Specification {
EQueueBookingService testedService;
EQueueBookingClient eQueueBookingClient = Mock(EQueueBookingClient);
def setup() {
testedService.eQueueBookingClient = eQueueBookingClient;
and test method:
CancelBookingResponse response = new CancelBookingResponse();
eQueueBookingClient.cancelBooking(_, _) >> response;
def result = testedService.cancelBooking(request);
result != null && result.bookId == bookId
Why eQueueBookingClient doesn't mock?
When I debug it: in test - I see Mock instance, when I go to method - I see real bean instance.
Thanks a lot!