
Error in creating jsp file

2019-08-09 23:10发布


<%@taglib uri="http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/tags-html" prefix="html"%>
<%@taglib uri="http://jakarta.apache.org/struts/tags-bean" prefix="bean" %> 

I'm creating jsp file in eclipse it shows error in directive it does not accept the uri which I mentioned above.


from your question you used

Struts Tag Libraries Automatic Configuration

this is how it should be done

Struts Tag Libraries Configuration automatic and manual

This is the easy way, and used in Struts version 1.2, 1.3 and Servlet 2.3/2.4 container only. You do not need to define the “tlds” details in web.xml anymore, just include the struts-taglib.jar in your project classpath or copy it to WEB-INF/lib folder.

All the “tld” details are define inside the “struts-taglib.jar\META-INF\tld” folder. During deployment, the struts-bean.tld, struts-html.tld, struts-logic.tld and struts-tiles.tld will deploy automatically. However, you can access it via the following “pre-fixed uri” name only. In this method, you are not allow to change the “taglib uri” name.

<%@ taglib uri="http://struts.apache.org/tags-bean" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="http://struts.apache.org/tags-html" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="http://struts.apache.org/tags-logic" prefix="logic" %>
<%@ taglib uri="http://struts.apache.org/tags-tiles" prefix="tiles" %>

标签: jsp struts