Identifying if a map moveend event was user initia

2019-08-09 19:45发布


I registered a 'moveend' event listener on my ol.Map. It's firing when the map is moved around by user input, but also when I call ol.View.setCenter and ol.View.setResolution.

Is it possible to check the 'moveend' ol.MapEvent to determine if the event was triggered by user input or from manually changing the map view's properties?


I ended up doing the following.

map.on('moveend', function(event) {
  var mapView = map.getView(),
      moveInitiatedProgrammatically = mapView.get('moveInitiatedProgrammatically') || false;


  // evaluate moveInitiatedProgrammatically's value and behave accordingly...

map.getView().set('moveInitiatedProgrammatically', true);

It's not ideal for the following reasons:

  1. Introduces additional state information in the map's view.
  2. Carelessly replacing the map view will lose that state information.
  3. Requires setting a property before changing the view state and may be too easily forgotten.

However, it adresses my issue in the meantime.