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- Cannot Resolve Method setLatestEventInfo 4 answers
I am trying to implement a reminder feature for my application which is API 23.
However, the reminder feature contains an error whereby the method "setLatestEventInfo" cannot be resolved.
I have done some researching and it turns out that this method is deprecated in API 23. I know that there are similar questions out there, but the solutions did not work for me.
Below are the relevant codes:
public class ReminderService extends WakeReminderIntentService {
public ReminderService() {
void doReminderWork(Intent intent) {
Log.d("ReminderService", "Doing work.");
Long rowId = intent.getExtras().getLong(RemindersDbAdapter.KEY_ROWID);
NotificationManager mgr = (NotificationManager)getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(this, ReminderEditActivity.class);
notificationIntent.putExtra(RemindersDbAdapter.KEY_ROWID, rowId);
PendingIntent pi = PendingIntent.getActivity(this, 0, notificationIntent, PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT);
Notification note=new Notification(android.R.drawable.stat_sys_warning, getString(R.string.notify_new_task_message), System.currentTimeMillis());
note.setLatestEventInfo(this, getString(R.string.notify_new_task_title), getString(R.string.notify_new_task_message), pi);
note.defaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND;
note.flags |= Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL;
// An issue could occur if user ever enters over 2,147,483,647 tasks. (Max int value).
// I highly doubt this will ever happen. But is good to note.
int id = (int)((long)rowId);
mgr.notify(id, note);
How can I solve this without downgrading my API level?