I'm trying to connect the browser to my application via socket.io.
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://localhost:4000/socket.io/socket.io.js"></script>
var socket = io.connect('http://localhost:4000');
With this standard method all works fine. Now I'm trying to transform this connection in "dynamic" based on the IP of the server, something like this:
var socket;
function loadFile(filename){
var ip_server = location.host;
var body = document.getElementsByTagName( 'body' )[0],
fileref = document.createElement('script');
fileref.setAttribute("src", "http://"+ip_server+"/"+filename);
body.appendChild( fileref );
<script type="text/javascript">
socket = io.connect('http://'+location.host);
But firebug says ReferenceError: io is not defined on line socket = io.connect('http://'+location.host);
How can I solve? There's a simple way to do what I'm thinking? Thanks