AngularJS + Spring: 415 unsupported media type

2019-08-09 19:25发布


http post is getting error while uploading multipart data

var formData = new FormData();


{ headers : 'Content-Type' : undefined},
transformRequest : angular.identity

my server side code is

@RequestMapping(value = "sampleurl", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
    public @ResponseBody
    Response createSomething(
            @RequestBody Request request,
            HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest,
            HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse) {
            // code here

what went wrong here, i am stucked to find the solution, please help me to find the solution


An http error 415 means that content of request is not in the appropriate format.

Spring MVC '@RequestBody' expect a json body (with a Content-Type equal to 'application/json') and you explicitly set your Content-Type to undefined.

The solution is to set your content-type to 'application/json' in your post request or to remove @RequestBody annotation.

It seems that you try to upload files, the easier would be to remove @RequestBody annotation.


You should be sending multipart/form-data and not undefined value in your Content-Type header (Accept header sent from client should be application/json). Also make sure that the method on the server side consumes this particular media type.