I have a MapControl and would like to know how many degrees are currently shown on the x and y axes.
First example:
360 degrees are shown on the x axis (longitude)
~90 degrees are shown on the y axis (latitude)
(The zoom level is 3.2 and it's max zoomed out)
Second example:
~220 degrees on the x axis (longitude)
180 degrees on the y axis (latitude)
(zoom level: 1.7; max zoomed out)
I tried calculating the current degrees on the x axis using following code:
double dist = 360 * Math.Pow(0.5, macSurrounding.ZoomLevel - 1);
but it doesn't work, because the zoom level is just strange...
You should use the MapControl's GetLocationFromOffset method to calculate the geographic coordinates of the south-east and north-west corner points of the current map viewport. The width and height of the viewport would be the latitude and longitude differences of these points.
Geopoint northEast;
Geopoint southWest;
map.GetLocationFromOffset(new Point(map.ActualWidth, 0), out northEast);
map.GetLocationFromOffset(new Point(0, map.ActualHeight), out southWest);
var width = northEast.Position.Longitude - southWest.Position.Longitude;
var height = northEast.Position.Latitude - southWest.Position.Latitude;
Got it:
360 * Math.Pow(0.5, mcMapControl.ZoomLevel - 1) * mcMapControl.ActualWidth / 409.5;
180 * Math.Pow(0.5, mcMapControl.ZoomLevel - 1) * mcMapControl.ActualHeight / 409.5;