I am using the Z3 Python interface as part of a research tool that I am writing, and I noticed some pretty odd behavior when I run the Z3 solver repeatedly on the same query: In particular, I seem to not get the same results each time, even though I explicitly reset the solver before running. For reference, here's my code:
import z3
with open("query.smt", "r") as smt_reader:
query_lines = "".join(smt_reader.readlines())
for i in xrange(3):
solver = z3.Solver()
queryExpr = z3.parse_smt2_string(query_lines)
equivalences = queryExpr.children()[:-1]
for equivalence in equivalences:
# Obtain the Boolean variables associated with the constraints.
constraintVars = [equivalence.children()[0] for equivalence
in equivalences]
# Check the satisfiability of the query.
querySatResult = solver.check(*constraintVars)
print solver.model().sexpr()
print solver.statistics()
print ""
The code above re-creates the Z3 solver thrice and checks the satisfiability of the same query. The query is located here.
While the above section of code is not exactly how I will be using the Z3 Python interface, the problem stemmed from a realization that the Z3 solver, when called twice at different points of the code on the same query, returned different results. I was wondering if this was intentional, and whether there was any way to disable this or to ensure determinism.