I've been trying to write a simple server that accepts username/password credentials, validates them, then creates a JWT token for the client that they then use to gain access to certain routes. I am able to do everything up to the point of receiving and validating the client's JWT on the server side.
void main() {
//use Jwt based sessions and create the secret using a UUID
JwtSessionHandler sessionHandler =
new JwtSessionHandler('ffl_sales_server', new Uuid().v4(),
//allow http for testing with curl, do not use in production
bool allowHttp = true;
final Map<String, String> headers =
{'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '',
"Access-Control-Expose-Headers": "Authorization",
"Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" : "true",
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers" : "Authorization"};
//fix the cors headers
Response options(Request request) => (request.method == 'OPTIONS') ?
new Response.ok(null, headers: headers) : null;
Response cors(Response response) =>
response.change(headers: headers);
Middleware fixCors = createMiddleware(requestHandler: options,
responseHandler: cors);
// authentication middleware for a login handler (post)
Middleware loginMiddleware = authenticate(
[new UsernamePasswordAuthenticator(lookupByUsernamePassword)],
sessionHandler: sessionHandler, allowHttp: allowHttp,
allowAnonymousAccess: false);
// authentication middleware for routes other than login that
// require a logged in user
// here we are relying solely on users with a session established
// via the login route
Middleware defaultAuthMiddleware = authenticate(
[],sessionHandler: sessionHandler, allowHttp: true,
allowAnonymousAccess: false);
Router rootRouter = router(handlerAdapter: handlerAdapter());
//the route where the login credentials are posted
rootRouter.post('/login', (Request request) => new Response.ok('SUCCESS'), middleware: loginMiddleware);
//the routes which require an authenticated user
middleware: defaultAuthMiddleware)
..add('/users', ALL_METHODS, new Users(_connection).handle)
..add('/stores', ALL_METHODS, new Stores(_connection).handle)
..add('/departments', ALL_METHODS, new Departments(_connection).handle)
..add('/invoices', ALL_METHODS, new Invoices(_connection).handle)
..add('/reports', ALL_METHODS, new Reports(_connection).handle)
..add('/imports', ALL_METHODS, new Imports(_connection).handle)
..add('/vendors', ALL_METHODS, new Vendors(_connection).handle)
..get('/foo', (Request request) =>
new Response.ok("Doing foo as ${loggedInUsername(request)}\n"));
Handler handler = const Pipeline()
shelf_io.serve(handler, '', '8080').then((server){
print('Serving as http://${server.address.host}:${server.port}');
I know I'm probably missing something simple, but it seems like I should have some sort of handler in the first parameter of the authenticate() function that creates the defaultAuthMiddleware. What am I missing?