Why is this not working in safari but works in chrome and firefox?
Just click on the radio buttons and if you click login it should show the div.
.form-list .login-mobile{
.form-list #login-drop:checked + label + .login-mobile{
<ul class="form-list">
<li style="margin:5px 0;padding:0;">
<input id="login-drop" type="radio" name="checkout_method" selected="false">
<label for="login-drop">Login</label>
<div class="login-mobile">
hey you
<li style="margin:5px 0;padding:0;">
<input id="login:register" type="radio" checked="checked" value="register" name="checkout_method" selected="false">
<label for="login:register">Register</label>
<li style="margin:5px 0;padding:0;">
<input id="login:guest" type="radio" value="guest" name="checkout_method" selected="true">
<label for="login:guest">Checkout as Guest</label>