public class ProcessSchedulerServlet implements javax.servlet.Servlet {
Timer timer=new Timer();
public void init(ServletConfig arg0) throws ServletException {
timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
LogProcessorService logProcessorService=new LogProcessorServiceImpl();
}, 60*1000, 120*1000);
This is ugly and it doesn't work, anyway. The LogProcessorServiceImpl has properties with @Autowired annotation. These properties are not autowired when this code runs. This may be expected.
The real question is: how to make this run() method work. It seems to me that Spring wants the logProcessorService to be autowired to have properties within LogProcessorServiceImpl autowired, as well.
=== SCENARIO 1 ==============================================================
public void run() {
final LogProcessorService logProcessorService=null;
Result: compile time error: Cannot refer to a non-final variable arg0 inside an inner class defined in a different method
=== SCENARIO 2 ==============================================================
LogProcessorService logProcessorService;
public void run() {
Result: run time error: logProcessorService is null;
==== SOLUTION (from Boris) ======================================================
public class ProcessSchedulerServlet implements javax.servlet.Servlet {
Timer timer=new Timer();
LogProcessorService logProcessorService;
public void init(ServletConfig arg0) throws ServletException {
final AutowireCapableBeanFactory autowireCapableBeanFactory=WebApplicationContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(arg0.getServletContext()).getAutowireCapableBeanFactory();
timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
public void run() {
}, 60*1000, 120*1000);