I'm trying to set the components of this application to a set location using setLocation so far i haven't been able to move the components. There is more code but its get calling and setting this code for the most part. any ideas?
import javax.swing.*;
public class HangmanPanel extends JPanel {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5793357804828609325L;
public HangmanPanel(){
JLabel heading = new JLabel("Welcome to the Hangman App");
JButton Button = new JButton("Ok");
JLabel tfLable = new JLabel("Please Enter a Letter");
JTextField text = new JTextField(10);
String input = text.getText();
heading.setLocation(50, 20);
tfLable.setLocation(20, 100);
text.setLocation(320, 50);
Button.setLocation(230, 100);