I have the following query which works nice when running directly against DB2:
String sql =
"select slutt_dato + 1 day as tDato from klv80201 " +
"union " +
"select fra_dato as tDato from klv12101 where avtalenr = :avtalenr and kundenr = :kundenr " +
"union " +
"select fra_dato as tDato from klv12401 where avtalenr = :avtalenr and kundenr = :kundenr and MEDLEMSTATU < '32' " +
"order by tDato desc fetch first 1 rows only;";
But when I run it through a test with H2 as database with the following configuration:
I get the following error message:
org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Column "SLUTT_DATO" not found; SQL statement: select slutt_dato + 1 day as tDato from klv80201 union select fra_dato as tDato from klv12101 where avtalenr = ? and kundenr = ? union select fra_dato as tDato from klv12401 where avtalenr = ? and kundenr = ? and MEDLEMSTATU < '32' order by tDato desc fetch first 1 rows only; [42122-149]
If I remove the "+1 day" the query works nice in H2. The error message from the H2 JDBC driver is wrong, column "SLUTT_DATO" does exist and works nice when removing "+1 day".
Any good suggestions why H2 acts like it does? Is it a bug or is it me that misunderstands something?
Thanks in advance