I have used the '@media only screen' in my CSS to determine how and what information should be shown depending on the users screen size. I have a class called panelContainer which is set to display when the screen is greater than 767px, and a class called mobileContainer which displays when the screen is less than that.
I have a couple of custom controls, one that contains the standard form layout and another that contains the mobile device form layout. Originally I placed a div around each with the appropriate styleClass. The problem with it this way was that although only one form is visible, they were both loaded so this caused save issues.
<xp:div id="panelContainer" styleClass="panelContainer">
<xp:div id="mobileContainer" styleClass="mobileContainer">
I have since added a div to my Xpage with the styleClass of panelContainer, I then added onLoad and onResize events which return the style.display of the div, these should then write the result to a viewScope. But I found it would only write onLoad and although the function was being called onResize it wouldn't change the viewScope variable.
<xp:scriptBlock id="scriptBlock1" type="text/javascript">
<![CDATA[var init = function() {
function getStyleDisplay(obj) {
if(obj.currentStyle) { // IE – Opera
return obj.currentStyle.display;
} else { // firefox
return getComputedStyle(obj,'').getPropertyValue('display');
<div id="formType" class="panelContainer"></div>
.....this viewScope variable is then used in the following way:
<xc:content_Company xp:key="ContentControl">
<xc:content_sCompany id="content_sCompany"
<xc:content_iCompany id="content_iCompany"
.....extract from content_Company......
<xp:callback facetName="#{viewScope.formFormat}" id="cbkCompanyFormContent">
I feel this is the better way to achieve the result I need, as when I have tried it manually it does only load one of the forms and they work as expected.
I cannot see why the viewScope is not being set properly, it is always being set to 'standard', even if I shrink my page before loading the page. I did try writing the value to a Hidden Input, which worked but whenever I tried to access the value using getComponent("hiddenInput1").getValue() it would return null, even though I could see that value had been set when viewing in firebug.