On my ASP.NET page I am using an iframe and setting its source in code behind the page.
<asp:TabPanel ID="tabDocs" Enabled="false" HeaderText="Documents" runat="server">
<iframe width="100%" height="600" id="frmDocs" frameborder="0" runat="server"></iframe>
Code Behind
frmDocs.Attributes.Add("src", "/xyz.aspx?vType=EmpRpt&vid=" + EmpID.ToString)
There is a Create Report button on the page, which will save a report in the database and then show the file details (i.e. file name, size and etc.) on page xyz.aspx
After saving the report I am using Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl)
to refresh the whole page.
Is there any way of reloading just xyz.aspx
showing it in a tab instead of reloading the whole page?