This is what our app looks like when starting:
=> Started proxy.
=> Started MongoDB.
>>>>> IN ON_TEST
meteor-collection-management: updating npm dependencies -- mongodb...
=> Errors prevented startup:
While building package `meteor-collection-management`:
error: Can't install npm dependencies. Are you connected to the internet?
=> Your application has errors. Waiting for file change.
Argh. In meteor-collection-management/package.js (our own package), there is this:
Package.on_test(function(api) {
console.log(">>>>> IN ON_TEST");
mongodb: "1.4.1"
api.use(['meteor-collection-management', 'tinytest', 'test-helpers']);
api.add_files('tests/dbobject-test.js', ['client', 'server']);
api.add_files('tests/enums-test.js', ['client', 'server']);
When I removed the Npm bit, I could now work without it trying to connect to the network. But this is a complete hack.
The mongodb package is downloaded as best as I can tell; We haven't changed the version number in ages; and if I do have internet connection the app does start up successfully.
Any thoughts on how to debug this even if you don't know the answer?