I'm a beginner in android studio and I try to use a recyclerView. When I try to add compile 'com.android.support.recyclerview-v7:21.0.+'
to my gradle file, I get the error:
failed to resolve com.android.support.receyclerview-v7v7:21.0.+.
It proposes me to install repository and sync project. when I click it, i get this error:
SDK Path C:\User\userName\AppData\Local\Android\sdk1
loading SDK information
ignoring unknown package filter 'extra-android-m2repository' warning: The package filter removed all packages. There is nothing to install. Please consider trying to update again without a package filter.
install failed, please check your network connection and try again. You may continue with creating your project, but it will not compile correctly without the missing components.
I mention that I'm using sdk 23.0.0 on a windows system, and when installing android studio for the first time I got an error message that concern proxy (that i unfortunately skipped)!!
Any idea to solve this problem ??!!!