Does anyone have a fully compiled version of pandas that is compatible with AWS Lambda?
After searching around for a few hours, I cannot seem to find what I'm looking for and the documentation on this subject is non-existent.
I need access to the package in a lambda function however I have been unsuccessful at getting the package to compile properly for usage in a Lambda function.
In lieu of the compilation can anyone provide reproducible steps to create the binaries?
Unfortunately I have not been able to successfully reproduce any of the guides on the subjects as they mostly combine pandas with scipy which I don't need and adds an extra layer of burden.
I believe you should be able to use the recent pandas version (or likely, the one on your machine). You can create a lambda package with pandas by yourself like this,
First find where the pandas package is installed on your machine i.e. Open a python terminal and type
import pandas
That should print something like '/usr/local/lib/python3.4/site-packages/pandas/'
- Now copy the pandas folder from that location (in this case
) and place it in your repository.
Package your Lambda code with pandas like this:
zip -r9 pandas/
zip -9
You can also deploy your code to S3 and make your Lambda use the code from S3.
aws s3 cp s3://dev-code//projectx/lambda_packages/
Here's the repo that will get you started
After some tinkering around and lot's of googling I was able to make everything work and setup a repo that can just be cloned in the future.
Key takeaways:
- All static packages have to be compiled on an ec2 amazon Linux instance
- The python code needs to load the libraries in the lib/ folder before executing.
Github repo:
I managed to deploy a pandas code in aws lambda using python3.6 runtime . this is the step that i follow :
- Add required libraries into requirements.txt
- Build project in a docker container (using aws sam cli : sam build --use-container)
- Run code (sam local invoke --event test.json)
this is a helper :
Another option is to download the pre-compiled wheel files as discussed on this post:
Essentially, you need to go to the project page on and download the files named like the following:
- For Python 2.7: module-name-version-cp27-cp27mu-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
- For Python 3.6: module-name-version-cp36-cp36m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl
Then unzip the .whl files to your project directory and re-zip the contents together with your lambda code.