I am attempting to make an Apache Camel application that integrates with ActiveMQ over AMQP.
I have been working from the provided 'camel-example-spring-jms' project, which is over the standard TCP connection, but I have modified to use my standalone ActiveMQ 5.8 installation (rather than embedded), which I have working fine using TCP.
Active MQ Configuration (amqp on 5672)
<transportConnector name="openwire" uri="tcp://"/>
<transportConnector name="amqp" uri="amqp://"/>
Within 'camel-server.xml' I have replaced the existing "jms" 'ActiveMQComponent' with a 'JmsComponent' that references an 'AMQConnectionFactory' upon which I specify my connection URL (tried both variations below).
<bean id="jmsConnectionFactory" class="org.apache.qpid.client.AMQConnectionFactory">
<constructor-arg index="0"
value="amqp://guest:guest@localhost/test?brokerlist='tcp://localhost:5672'" />
<bean id="jms" class="org.apache.camel.component.jms.JmsComponent">
<property name="connectionFactory" ref="jmsConnectionFactory" />
<property name="useMessageIDAsCorrelationID" value="true" />
The server appears to start fine with the configuration above, but when I add a route to the amqp queue in the 'ServerRoutes.java' I get an error on startup.
The error in the Camel Server window is:
[nsumer[numbers]] INFO AMQConnection - to broker at tcp://localhost:5672
org.apache.qpid.AMQException: Cannot connect to broker: connect() aborted [error code 200: reply success]
And the error in my ActiveMQ windows is:
org.apache.activemq.transport.amqp.AmqpProtocolException: Could not decode AMQP frame: hex: 414d51500101000a
Caused by: org.apache.qpid.proton.engine.TransportException: AMQP header mismatch value 1, expecting 0
Any help is appreicated in diagnosing this issue.