I am trying to DRY up popup windows in my JSF 2 project using composite components.
This code base uses Icefaces 3.3.0 (with their 1.8.2 compatibility layer for historical reasons), Mojarra 2.2.7, and Glassfish 4.1.
I have input.xhtml which provides a text input and uses a 2-button popup (ok/cancel), which in turn builds on the basic popup.
<!-- ... -->
<composite:editableValueHolder name="forInput" targets="theInput"/>
<ice:inputText id="theInput" value="..."/>
<!-- ... -->
<ice:commandButton id="OkButton"
<ice:commandButton id="CancelButton"
<!-- ... -->
function setInputFocus(id) {
<f:facet name="body">
The popup works mostly as expected, i.e., I can enter something, the ok and cancel buttons work, and validation works as well.
What does not work is my JavaScript code that tries to focus the input when the popup opens.
When I look at the page in Firebug, I see that the input's ID is MyForm:j_idt63:j_idt64:j_idt67:theInput
, but the JavaScript code tries to focus an element with the ID MyForm:j_idt63:theInput
Why is #{cc.clientId}
in input.xhtml
not the correct ID that the input ends up getting later? What do I need to do to make this work?
I've seen BalusC's hint on adding a binding but I don't want a binding so that the composite component can be independent of any backing beans.
Is there something else I am missing here?