Eclipse opens wrong source file on exception

2019-08-09 03:41发布


I have several Android projects in an Eclipse workspace:

  • a stand-alone application project with a class my.package.Foo
  • a library project with a different class my.package.Foo
  • two application projects that depend on the library project and contain no source code

The problem comes when working with one of the applications built on top of the library project. When it crashes (sadly, a frequent occurrence), I double-click on a line of the stack trace in the logcat to go to the relevant source. The problem is, if the line is for, Eclipse always opens the source from the stand-alone project. The only way I can direct Eclipse to the right source is to close the stand-alone project, which is somewhat inconvenient.

Is there any way to get Eclipse to pay attention to which application actually crashed when it looks for the relevant source file? I assume that this is some sort of classpath problem (similar to that described in this post). However, I don't see anything in the Android run configuration properties for modifying the class path. Eclipse always seems to run through the workspace projects in alphabetical order by name and opens the first my/package/ it finds.

I'm using the latest Android ADT and SDK versions.


Per the link provided in the comment by @blessenm, this is an issue with logcat in Eclipse. We should see a fix in Release 20 of the SDK tools. As can be seen here, the patch that fixes it has been completed and is in line for final approval.

Meanwhile, the best thing to do is to change the logcat preferences (Window -> Preferences -> Android -> LogCat) so that the double-click action is "Go to Problem (method declaration)" instead of the default "Go to Problem (error line)". This isn't foolproof: it will at least open the file but if there are multiple methods with the same name, it will go to the first method, regardless of signature. (When the fix is incorporated, there will be no need for options for double-click action and it should disappear from the preferences.)