Jupyter notebooks in pycharm do not have Local His

2019-08-09 04:05发布


Local History is an absolutely fundamental/crucial feature of Jetbrains IDE families - including Pycharm. Why would it be missing for the .ipynb files? Here is the right click/context menu - in which the Show History is missing:

In addition: the Code Editing History Navigation feature is not working in the notebooks: notice that the Last Edit Location option is disabled even though I had edited this notebook:

Why are basic/core code editing features missing for these notebooks? Is there a way to enable them?


The notebook source code representation in PyCharm is basically a virtual file as a .ipynb itself is a JSON. This makes thing complicated as we don't want to show history for JSON but for Python representation. Local History is going to be eventually implemented as it's a core functionality indeed, but it will require some time as it has to be tweaked to support this case. The dedicated ticket in PyCharm's bug tracker https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/PY-33557

标签: pycharm