I used the code below to get produce a layout that formats an image, a title and a text region in a list item.
I would like to get it to look like the Twitter apps layout - in terms of how it gets the tweet to wrap, what am I missing?
Platform details: BB OS 5.0+
protected void sublayout(int width, int height) {
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
MyTitleField lblTitle = new MyTitleField(info.title);//extends LabelField
LabelField lblDesc = new LabelField(info.description , LabelField.ELLIPSIS)
protected void layout(int width, int height) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
super.layout(width, height);
BitmapField bmfIcon = new BitmapField(info.icon);
int iconHeight = bmfIcon.getBitmapHeight();
int fontHeight = Font.getDefault().getHeight();
int preferredWidth = width;//getPreferredWidth();
int startY = (rowHeight - iconHeight)/2;
layoutChild(bmfIcon, bmfIcon.getBitmapWidth(), bmfIcon.getBitmapHeight());
setPositionChild(bmfIcon, 5, startY);
int textWidth = preferredWidth - (bmfIcon.getBitmapWidth() +10 );
int textStartX = bmfIcon.getBitmapWidth() + 10;
layoutChild(lblTitle, textWidth ,
fontHeight + 1);
setPositionChild(lblTitle, textStartX, startY);
int descHeight = rowHeight - (startY+fontHeight+2);
layoutChild(lblDesc, textWidth , descHeight);
setPositionChild(lblDesc, textStartX, (startY+fontHeight+2));
setExtent(preferredWidth, getPreferredHeight());