this would be my first question ever on stackoverflow, hope this goes well. I've been working on a game (using corona SDK) and I used Node.js to write a small little server to handle some chat messages between my clients, no problems there. Now I'm working on expanding this little server to do some more, and what I was thinking to do is create an external file (module) that will hold an object that has all the functions and variables I would need to represent a Room in my games "Lobby", where 2 people can go into to play one against the other, and each time I have 2 players ready to play, I would create a copy of this empty room for them, and then initialize the game in that room. So I have an array in my main project file, where each cell is a room, and my plan was to import my module into that array, and then I can init the game in that specific "room", the players would play, the game will go on, and all would be well... but... my code in main.js:
var new_game_obj = require('./room.js');
games[room_id] = new_game_obj();
games[room_id].users = [user1_name,user2_name];
Now, in my room.js, I have something of the sort:
var game_logistics = {};
game_logistics.users = new Array();
game_logistics.return_users_count = function(){
return game_logistics.users.length;
module.exports = function() {
return game_logistics;
So far so good, and this work just fine, I can simply go:
And I will get 0, or 1, or 2, depending of course how many users have joined this room. The problems starts once I open a new room, since Node.js will instance the module I've created and not make a copy of it, if I now create a new room, even if I eliminated and/or deleted the old room, it will have all information from the old room which I've already updated, and not a new clean room. Example:
var new_game_obj = require('./room.js');
games["room_1"] = new_game_obj();
games["room_2"] = new_game_obj();
games["room_1"].users = ["yuval","lahav"];
_log(games["room_1"].return_user_count()); //outputs 2...
_log(games["room_2"].return_user_count()); //outputs 2...
Even doing this:
var new_game_obj = require('./room.js');
games["room_1"] = new_game_obj();
var new_game_obj2 = require('./room.js');
games["room_2"] = new_game_obj2();
games["room_1"].users = ["yuval","lahav"];
_log(games["room_1"].return_user_count()); //outputs 2...
_log(games["room_2"].return_user_count()); //outputs 2...
Gives the same result, it is all the same instance of the same module in all the "copies" I make of it. So my question as simple as that, how do I create a "clean" copy of my original module instead of just instancing it over and over again and actually have just one messy room in the end?